Mary Magdalene On-Demand Workshop

Celebrate and commune with Mary Magdalene and the ancient red priestesses of the Middle East! 

Learn the practices of Magdalene and her sister priestesses, who they worshipped and what they did, learn a sacred dance in her honour, participate in a blessing ceremony and go deep into meditation to connect with Her divine regenerative love. 

Price: £22 

On Demand
On Repeat

Watch this workshop any time you like! If you have been dreaming of getting to know Magdalene beyond the Jesus stories and learn what kind of priestess she was and what kind of goddesses she worked with, this class is for you. 

Mary Magdalene Workshop
Mary Magdalene Feast Day Workshop
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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xMary Magdalene Feast Day Workshop£22

All prices in GBP

Questions and Answers

Do I need dance experience for the temple dance bit?

Nope! Our temple dance is accessible to people of all abilities. It's possible to perform sitting down, if you need to do that.  

When will I get Replay access?

The replay will go out on sunday night, about half hour after the workshop finishes.